Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Spicy Thai Coconut Quinoa Recipe

Image from Chow

Here is another recipe that has been in my "want to make" list for a few weeks now. I finally made it and hate to say, I wasn't that impressed. If I were to make it again:
  • I wouldn't use coconut milk at all
  • I would use rice instead of quinoa 
  • Add a lot more veggies
But, other than that, the sauce that was poured and coated over everything (the same sauce that made my dish look like a green mush) was DELISH!

The sriracha added a very nice kick, so if you don't want it to be as spicy, I would add maybe half what the recipe calls for. I also added some fish sauce and the following powders to the food processor garlic, onion and ginger.

Also, added was chicken to replace the tofu. The chicken was cooked in some chicken stock until tender. Sorry if my dish doesn't look as appetizing as the stock image from Chow.

Check out the recipe here: Chow. Follow the recipe, or try my additions. Either way I think you will be pleased with the outcome.

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