Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fake Take Out - Sweet and Sour Chicken

Every week, I make up a menu for the week of meals that I would like to try/make etc, which makes food shopping easy and takes the stress out of figuring out "whats for dinner" every night. This recipe from Mel's Kitchen Cafe has been on my menu for a few months now, but keeps getting cut or pushed back for some reason or another.

But last night was the lucky night! Sweet and Sour Chicken was finally brought to life!

I recommend doubling the ingredients for the sauce, as the recipe called for. But when I doubled the sauce, I didn't add nearly as much sugar (probably about 1 cup total) and I also added in some garlic powder (1 tablespoon) and ginger powder (1 teaspoon) and reduced the sauce for about 20 minutes on low.

Phil took care of the meat part of the dish, but from looking over his shoulder and the final outcome of the dish, I may have used less cornstarch since there was still a good amount that wasn't used, and the chicken bordered on having that chalky consistency in your mouth.

For next time, I think I will pound the chicken breast thinner and cut smaller pieces, but overall this was a fantastic dish and was very easy to create.

Image from Mel's Kitchen Cafe

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